How does Schunk take precautions against a gas shortage?

Natural gas has become scarce and therefore very expensive - Schunk has therefore taken numerous measures.

The natural gas supply in Europe is problematic - Schunk is therefore taking precautions against a gas shortage.

Russia's attack on Ukraine has consequences for the energy supply: In response to the sanctions, Russia is supplying less gas to Europe. In Austria and Germany, among others, the supply of natural gas is at risk and the price has risen enormously.

As an industrial company, Schunk also uses natural gas, especially at its sites in Heuchelheim, Thale, Willich and Bad Goisern. In Heuchelheim alone, Schunk consumes 39 gigawatt hours of natural gas per year - enough to heat some 3,000 households and supply them with hot water for one year.

Replace natural gas as far as possible

Schunk therefore analyzed the situation early on and took action. In Heuchelheim and Willich, preparations were made to replace large quantities of natural gas with propane. For this purpose, propane and air are mixed in a plant to produce a gas that has properties similar to natural gas. This means that production plants do not have to be converted. Schunk has already secured appropriate propane gas quotas from suppliers for this purpose. At the Heuchelheim site, the heat supply will also be partially converted to oil, propane and electricity.

Furthermore, the heating will be turned down at the sites in order to reduce natural gas consumption and thus energy costs - lowering the room temperature from 21 degrees Celsius to 19 degrees already saves up to ten percent of the heating energy.

For the year 2022, Schunk is supplied with comparatively inexpensive energy due to its supply contracts. For 2023, however, energy costs are expected to at least triple, from around 33 million euros in 2021 to 100 million euros in 2023. It is not only because of this development that Schunk is pursuing a strategy of generating more energy itself, for example through photovoltaics, and further increasing energy efficiency.

Schunk prepares for gas shortages

In Germany, the gas storage facilities are more than 80 percent full - but it is not possible to predict whether this means there will be enough natural gas available for the winter and whether a gas shortage can be averted. Therefore, Schunk is also preparing for a possible gas rationing in industry. By replacing natural gas with propane gas, there is now redundancy, which increases supply security for Schunk. However, should a gas shortage occur, the individual sites have appropriate emergency plans in place.

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