OWI 150 XT invers

High precision Fizeau workshop interferometer OWI 150 XT invers for testing of spherical and aspherical surfaces. High precision kinematics and a working range up to Ø 150 mm make this measuring machine an indispensable tool for the production of high-end optics.

Form Measurement
Radius Measurement


  • High precision Fizeau workshop interferometer for testing of spherical and aspherical surfaces.
  • High precision kinematics and a working range up to Ø 150 mm make this measuring machine an indispensable tool for the production of high-end optics
  • Measuring stand made of shock-absorbing granite for highest accuracy and rigidity
  • Mounted on passive air dampening elements on stable steel base frame
  • Radii slide with free from play pre-loaded antifriction bearing, driven by servo motor, variable speed via joystick, travel 1050 mm
  • 3-axis table (5-axis table available on option)
  • Heidenhain glass scale with 5 μm measuring accuracy for the total travel for absolute measuring precision of radii, scale mounted close to the optical axis (Abbe’s principle)
  • Innovative, service friendly mounting of current types of interferometers incl. analysis software
  • Different powerful interferometer module options (LT Ultra Modules 4" / 6" or Zygo QualiFire 4" / 6") and compatible software solutions for evaluating your measurement results available

System advantage

  • Optimized for use at the production level
  • Robust base frame and dampening elements for minimum vibration during operation
  • Highest accuracy and rigidity


  • Two table version (asphere- and system measuring options)
  • Laser measuring system optional for 1-table version
  • Plano measuring by additional tip and tilt table
  • Various ring holders
  • UP radius measurement via Renishaw-Laser with Zygo MX
OWI 150 XT invers

Interometrical Form Measuring of Spherical and Aspherical Optical Components

Measuring Range Diameter (4“ module)0 mm - 100 mm
Measuring Range Diameter (6“ module)0 mm - 150 mm
Measuring Range RadiusDepending on reference sphere
Interface4“ or 6“ Bayonet-Interface (depending on interferometer module)
Measuring Accuracyʎ/20 (depending on reference sphere)
Travel1050 mm (2-Table version: 800 mm)
Power Requirement (others on request)1 KW
DimensionsWidth: 1350 mm, Height: 2400 mm, Depth: 1600 mm
Weight (approx.)1600 kg
DisclaimerAll data are subject to change without notice. Please verify details with OptoTech.

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